1966 BBFC Cert. “X”

The Skull

A collector comes into possession of the skull of the Marquis de Sade and learns it is possessed by an evil spirit.

3- TS 1
Production Details

An Amicus Production
Produced at Shepperton Studios
83 Mins

Stills from film

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Hammer Connections

Red = Uncredited

Original Poster
The Skull 1966

Click to enlarge


Taken from Robert Bloch’s story “The Skull of the Marquee de Sade”, the heirs of Donatien Alphonse François de Sade pressed charges to prevent any use of his name on the advertising material. The changes on posters and lobby cards were made at the last minute by sticking the new title “Le Crâne Maléfique” (meaning “The Evil Skull”) on top of the former, “Les forfaits du Marquis de Sade” (meaning “the Infamies of Marquis de Sade”) – see below. Only on that condition this movie could finally be released in the French territories.

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