1967 BBFC Cert. “A”

They Came from Beyond Space

Astronomers investigate a mysterious meteorite shower in a rural English farm field. The rocks which fell, landed in a V-formation. Dr. Richard Arden, preeminent in the field of extraterrestrial study, is not permitted to accompany his colleagues, including his girlfriend Lee Mason, because he is still recovering from the effects of a recent motor accident. The scientists are summarily taken over by some alien force, and others in the area are dying from a mysterious “crimson plague,” which covers their bodies with drops of blood. Temple seems the only person immune to both maladies, so if he can discover the reason for this immunity, he may yet foil the alien plan to take earthlings back to the moon for their own sinister purposes.

3- TCFBS 1
Production Details

An Amicus Production
Produced at Shepperton Studios
85 Mins

Stills from film

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Hammer Connections
Original Poster
They Came from Beyond Space 1967

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Released on a double bill with The Terrornauts (1967). Director Freddie Francis claimed that the company had spent all their budget on that film, leaving nothing left for They Came from Beyond Space (1967). The double feature failed at the box office and has been described as “the two worst films the company ever produced”.

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