1961 BBFC Cert. “X"

The Shadow of the Cat

A female house cat sees her mistress murdered by her husband and two servants, and becomes ferociously bent on revenge.

Original trailer

Production Details

A John Penington Production presented by B.H.P.Films
Copyright MCMLXI by B.H.P.  Films Ltd. All rights reserved
MPAA Approved

All characters and incidents portrayed, and the names used herewith are ficticious and the similarity to any names, characters or history of any person is entirely accidental and unintentional

Westrex Sound System
A B.H.P. Film produced at Bray Studios, England
Black & White 86 mins

Filming Began: 1st November 1960
UK Release: 1st May 1961

Bray Studios, Down Place, Oakley Green, Berkshire

Stills from film

Click an image for enlarged slideshow

Cast & Crew

Cast & Crew – Verified complete

Red = Uncredited

Original Poster
The Shadow of the Cat 1961

Click to enlarge


Although Hammer do not appear in the credits, this was clearly a Hammer Production. Not only was it filmed at Bray Studios, but many of the production crew were Hammer faithfuls, and all but one of the credited cast (Andrew Crawford) had worked (or were to work) for the company in a combined total of 28 other productions.

Alan Wheatley played the Sheriff of Nottingham in ITC’s series The Adventures of Robin Hood (1960’s), he also played Temmosus in BBC TV’s Doctor Who (1964), becoming the first character to be killed by a Dalek!

Music composer Mikis Theodorakis also produced the score for Twentieth Century Fox’s 1964 film Zorba the Greek.

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